Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today was a very good day for me. I started off this morning in an early meeting with a Tribal elder to discuss cultural education and identity issues. I was very inspired by his ideas and just by knowing I still have the support of some highly respected local elders.

That meeting was followed by some work in the office, but then I took some personal time in the afternoon to run some errands. Then I went to the Eugene Satellite Office to talk with the staff and to meet their new Youth Prevention Intern. It was good to see how the office has grown and to hear about all the ways the staff is reaching out to the members in their area. There are still some wrinkles to be ironed out, but for the most the office is a huge success.

Later in the day I had the opportunity to talk with some Tribal members that are launching an educational campaign for the Constitutional Amendment on enrollment (you'll receive information from the BIA later this summer/early fall). I appreciate the way that Tribal members are taking responsibility for informing the membership. It is important that the message come from fellow members rather than just the Tribal government. The group was very energetic and it reminded of when restoration was run by volunteers that really cared about what they were doing. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that we pay people for working on committees, but it has diminished that sense of everyone working together on something for the pure satisfaction of achieving a common goal.

I finish this day with a sense of hope for the future. I don't just mean hope that I will be re-elected, it is much bigger than that. I have hope that Tribal members will continue to work cooperatively for the common good of all our people. I have hope that however small, seeds are being planted today that we will nurture and sow for many generations to come.

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