Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Council Elections 2009

We have 18 people running for Tribal Council this year, and in all honesty I have no idea what that means. Jokes were thrown around the SMGI Board meeting yesterday that person will be able to get elected this year with 20 votes. That is a gross exaggeration, of course, but at the heart of it all is some semblance of likely truth. We might not see any 600 vote candidates this year.
Every year you always have the three incumbents. And word gets to you of so-and-so is going to throw their hat into the ring. There are of course the people who approach you early for support. Lastly there are the unknowns and last-minute runners, those who think they have a chance, but don't.
I've gotten the sense that political alliances aren't quite what they used to be, which can always change for better or worse over the next month. I wonder if this supposed rift is fueling the bold actions of trying to take over the Tribal newspaper. A member told me the other day that when people in power feel that power slipping away, they resort to extreme behavior and actions.
And I'm not talking about the newspaper either, as in executive session yesterday I witnessed a Council member just about pop a vein in their head for the second time in a week. There is a lot of tension around Council these days, and I predict you'll see the usual political antics manifest themselves during Wednesday night Council meetings which during elections is almost like a theater. I tried to make plans for tomorrow night, but figured, "why bother?". What is the likelihood we'll have a short meeting, especially in thinking of how last year's election went.
Politics, I'm convinced, transcend gender, race, religion, and culture. I originally lamented that revelation, but over the years have grimly accepted it among the facts of life, even though deep down I still think tribes in America have a real opportunity to be different.
I still hope, and who knows, come September, I'll hope some more.

1 comment:

Dakota said...

Hey Chris,

You know, I've been hoping for a long time - always the same thing; that one day people will "really" think about the tribe as a whole instead of themselves.

Am I crazy for thinking that this can actually happen? I don't think so; but I do think it's going to take some real stamina to get the job done, because people just don't want to change. It's too easy to "go along to get along" and anyone who trys to change anything will get hammered unless they've got support from either other "like minded people" or the membership.

So, I keep hoping and who knows, maybe one day I'll actually see a real change where people don't have to be afraid to voice their opinion or "go against the staus quo".
