Monday, August 11, 2008

A Question or two

I wrote a letter to the Smoke Signals recently. The subject was the "Leno Letter", which appeared to be a major topic in the last issue, as there were a handful of letters, just as there were a couple before. How to interpret people's responses I am not entirely sure. I feel the former Council member Leon "Chips" Tom made some good points. Conversely, it was hard to argue with the letter the Leno clan assembled in response to the anonymous mailing. There are some impressive resumes among them that make the letter seem outlandish, though not entirely.
The substance of my own letter addresses that somewhat, but really I chose to focus on the history of those kinds of letters and more importantly tactics. It is very possible that my letter will add fuel to the fire, or even stir some critical thinking on the issue. Naturally, it could do nothing. Maybe people have moved on. But I doubt it. That is definitely not the case with Tribal Council, looking at the latest Record of Instruction lying on the table in chambers.
If anybody wants to know my opinion, I am not sure what sort of outcome Council members who are pushing for the investigation are looking for. Since right around 2001 or 2002 there have been mailings to the members that were political in nature and not from candidates. In other words, it is hardly new. I have given up on questioning how and by what means the numerous individuals have gotten a hold of mailing lists. Every year there are numerous mailing lists handed out during elections, which creates a whole line-up of "suspects", and then there is the fact that some of Council and in the organization have close relatives and/or political allies who would have access to not only mailing addresses, but phone numbers. To speculate on where any single possible list would come from is not really worth the time. Whenever it is this oncoming investigation takes place, I hardly expect the findings to shed light on anything. I don't believe the author the Leno Letter to be so stupid as to use work resources, assuming they really are an employee, to facilitate that letter. It is a hunt that will probably not yield the desired results.
But still, the issue of a mailing list has weighed heavy on my mind for a couple of reasons. Okay, actually, just one. And that is I am dying to curiosity to know why it would be that the campaign literature mailed out this year appears to be diverging, at least when addressed to me, to two different addresses. Because I have switched addresses the last few months, I would be very interested to know why letters would go to my old address, while some find their way to my new one. Almost all other Tribal literature, like Smoke Signals, Tilixam Wawa, and other mailings all have no problem making their way to my new address. So why some candidates would get that address, and others the old one, is a little bit of a mystery to me. Not that I plan on putting out a committee sheet to conduct an investigation, but with the present one looming, a guy can't help but wonder, right?

1 comment:

Dakota said...

Hey Chris,

The more I think about it, I think an idea posed by another tribal member has a lot of merit. Why not let candidates submit their mailings, pay the tribe for the postage and we mail them out. That way, no one, has immediate access to the "labels" and if there's any mixups, we know exactly where it came from.

Just an idea, but it is workable.