Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Camera Happy

Okay, so maybe I am just looking to post anything here, since I haven't had much time to write these past two weeks. Either way, I love Oregon and the seasons. These photos were taken less than three weeks apart. One was a snow day, the other a balmy 61 degree Sunday before President's Day. Yes, that is Mt. Hood, far as I know. For some readers here, snow is probably no big deal. But in the Willamette Valley, you kind of have to get out there and enjoy it. The snow seldom lasts very long.

1 comment:

mesg said...


Thank you for postings the photos.

I especially enjoy the picture of Mt. Hood.

Each time we fly to Oregon we try and get seats on the "A" side of the plane so we can see Mt. Hood as we are nearing Portland. Then on the way home we try and get seated on the "A" side of the plane so we can see the various mountains in the State of Washington. Said to say though that quite a few times the weather is not as cooperative as it is supposed to be.