Saturday, October 20, 2007

Unity Through Elimination

Earlier this week, a decision was being made that went against just about everything I believe in regarding democracy. It hasn’t really been finalized yet, but unless there is a serious surprise or unspoken divergence in philosophy, I expect the discussions from our Council retreat on Monday to basically be ratified come next week. I can’t really claim to disagree with a couple of our decisions, but one in particular, if formally made, will just be wrong on numerous levels.
Okay, now I know that this will seem like teasing. I prefer to call it drama. But before I get into detail, I would like to say that I’ve always considered myself a fairly open-minded person. That is what spurred me to travel, to visit foreign countries, eat their food, read up on their religions, marvel at their cultural differences, and see that despite everything, people generally tend to be very similar across national boundaries. What is odd for us is everyday for others. Common sense to us might be considered madness elsewhere, and vice versa.
What I am saying is that elections are done and more than anything it would go against my nature to not give the new leadership a chance, to cautiously accept their plans and hope that maybe, just maybe, what they’ve in store might be better for the Tribe. Better than anything I’d have thought of. Even under the circumstances, aside from this singular issue, I intend to try and approach whatever new ideas they generate with hope, and once again, an open mind.
Here’s my beef. Earlier this week I wrote about my skepticism regarding potential proposed changes to the “Tilixam Wawa”. I was unaware that any Council members had serious issues with the publication. But they did. So in order to promote unity, to show that Council members are working together, and to uphold the Tribal Constitution—keep in mind this isn’t me talking, these comments are from my notes—the “Tilixam Wawa” will now reflect “one Council voice”.
That probably sounds vague, unrefined, and problematic to anybody reading. It certainly was to me, thus my half-dozen follow-up questions for clarification. According to one or two Council members, and for the record there were only five of us at the retreat, Tribal members have become disenchanted and turned off by the Wawa. Far too often, I was told, “most members” don’t even read the publication because it is nothing but a bunch of opinion pieces by individual Council members (Members think it is a waste of money, I was told, they are tired of the “us vs. them” mentality). The antidote to this previously unknown feeling of the Tribal membership is to have stories that reflect the belief of the Tribal Council as a group, team, single voice, whatever you want to call it. Those particular words were defined, upon further discussion, to mean at least five Council members.
Provided returning Council members agree to the decision, Wawa will also start to run a “RumorBusters” column, in addition to different reports on areas the Tribal Council is working on. I am sure other changes are also looming. One Council member wanted the publication to go to six issues per year, I wanted it twice monthly. Our compromise was to keep it at the present rate of one issue per month. We also discussed the possibility of guest writers.
I admit fully that my assumptions here are more toward the worst-case scenario end of the spectrum, but with something like this it’s hard to assume good intentions. Why on Earth would anybody want to suppress information? Telling somebody that to promote unity they will not be allowed to express their opinion is somewhat self-contradicting. Limiting any right, particularly freedom of expression, is also one of the roots of oppression.
There is the possibility that this new policy, if approved, will pertain solely to opinion pieces. But that opens the door to interpreting whether an opinion is expressed in a piece, in which case Council will become an editorial board, voting. And the decision, ultimately, to let a piece make the cut will hinge on interpretation of the word “opinion”, which I’ve always thought was clear but might become suddenly ambiguous.
Lastly though, this new approach, if used ruthlessly enough, could deal a serious blow to the Constitutional enrollment amendment, as nobody on Council would really be allowed to express support or opposition to it. Personally, I would guess that some members are very curious to know how Council members feel about this issue.
In hindsight, I guess we should have developed more formal policies and expectations of the Wawa when we first started. Mentally, I toyed with the idea of a “Publications Ordinance” just to keep such changes from being instituted on a whim. But I guess I never expected anything this blatant.
Who knows, maybe I am assuming the worst. Maybe I do need to give my fellow Council members the benefit of the doubt. When we meet again to review our retreat, perhaps others will have different conclusions about what we discussed. So until the decision is finalized, in writing, I shouldn’t really worry. But for many reasons, I am skeptical. The tone of discussion Monday was not very encouraging. We will know soon.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I did not see that the Tilixam Wawa was a discussion issue of importance at the community meetings. Was it an issue? It again sounds like the "united few" are to trying force their concerns on all members.

Grand Ronde's publications system needs to reorganize. Much of what is in the Smoke Signals - should be in the Tilixam Wawa. What is proposed for the Tilixam Wawa - "one view" should be in the Smoke Signals.

The Tilixam Wawa should be, at a minimum, twice monthly. It is the communication system for the entire membership.

If there is a need to decrease publications - it should be with the Smoke Signals. It is used as PR. It should not be used as the information medium for tribal members.

The Tilixam Wawa should talk about all sensitive issues, tribal news, and tribal business. All the educational, intership, distribution information - should be in the member only publication. It is the place for the minutes, election information, and the "non-reservation casino" activities.

"One Voice" is not news - it is "spoon fed PR" and belongs in the Smoke Signals. Feed that to the general public. Members need to here the "real news" in the Tilixam Wawa.

October 21, 2007 10:04 AM

Dakota said...


This decision you speak of; was it in writing? Is it in the minutes of a meeting somewhare (other than your notes)?

My reason for asking is that according to Tribal Council's Operating Procedures, any "decision" either takes a motion, second and be carried at a work session or other meeting where five Council are attending, or it takes a Record of Instruction signed by five Council members. If this did not occur, then how could it be a standing decision?

From my perspecitive if there is a policy in place for decison making and that policy is not being followed then we have a very real problem.

The Operating Procedures have been modified once already; are they going to be modified further so that decisons can be made verbally and not in writing anymore?

I know, more questions than anything else, but I am concerned that if decisions are made with nothing to back them up, when 'memories' fade we have nothing to show when or how much support there was for the decision that was made.

I've worked in and for Tribal Government for a long time and the one thing I know for sure is that when you can't show how a decision was reached, that decision creats more issues than it solves.

Just my two cents.

Dakota said...

Oops, forgive the misspelling of the word "creates".

Unknown said...

It looks like we are going back to where we were before we all came together on the internet. There were so many of us who didn't have a way of getting information until we started comunicating on-line and if we didn't have you Chris we would be back in the dark again.

I really want to thank you for what you do and I also believe information should be out in the open. There shouldn't be any reason for no information or mis-information or only one opinion.


Unknown said...

Yes, Renee, back to the dark ages.
We have come a long way with Chris's web blog, Grand Ronde On Line, the Rez, and the tribal web site.

The truth has a way to come to the light no matter if council trys to take freedom of speech away, members always find out one way or another what is going on.

This reminds me of the Tribal Safety Ordinance that takes away basic freedoms also.
