Sunday, September 16, 2007

Just Like Starting Over

An employee joked to me recently that instead of calling our Oath of Office ceremony “Swearing In”, we should really call it a “Swearing At”. That was probably in light of some of our most recent Council meetings. I doubt that employee really expected anything too ugly to occur on Wednesday, September 12 at 11 a.m. in Council Chambers, but then again, who ever does? It’s a time for celebration, in theory.
I had only been sworn in once before, three years prior obviously. Even then there was a degree of tension. What I remember is one person being ready to go after Angie, Buddy, and myself already, reading off an email from one of our supporters that was none too popular amongst the locals. As if trying to read it off during our swearing in wasn’t enough, the issue had to be revisited at length during our first Council meeting later on that night. Not surprisingly, one of the same people who chose to raise the issue was present two weeks ago, alleging that I or somebody on my behalf had coerced a Tribal elder into endorsing me during the election this year. Ridiculous. Even after three years, the cast of characters remains the same.
It certainly hadn’t changed Wednesday. After being sworn in and taking our Oath of Office a number of people, Tribal and non-Tribal alike, lined up to shake our hands and offer congratulations. Not once but twice I was drawn close to two different individuals who would whisper in a low voice so nobody else could hear, one making an accusation towards me and indicating that if I did it again they would “drop” me, the other taking exception with what I had written in the August issue of “Tilixam Wawa” and more or less saying that if I continued that they would no longer be my friend.
Not the best way to start off my second term.
But realistically, I shouldn't claim to be shocked. As the politics of Grand Ronde have grown more partisan, a point I need to keep repeating, they have also grown nastier. It just seems like the side I am on doesn’t tend to do things like this. Or this:
Just before lunch I was handed a Meeting Request Form signed by four Council members and the subject of which was written rather cryptically. It simply read “Enrollment Issue”, and the meeting request time was for 1:30 that same day, a little more than one hours notice. I asked the Council member who had handed me the request, and he indicated that they wanted to stop the present Constitutional Election and re-submit the language. The language would be the same, but split up into three parts. Specifically, the definition of Grand Ronde blood would be a separate amendment. Also, this was considered an emergency.
After a little research of our Operating Procedures, I informed the rest of Council that even in emergencies, at least 12 hours notice is required for any meeting, unless all nine Council members waive that notice in writing. Typically, 24 hours notice is necessary unless the situation is an emergency. I was later that afternoon handed another Meeting Request Form, this one reading “Operational Procedures”. This too, was an emergency, evidently.
I emailed out a request to schedule the meeting on Enrollment the next day at 1:30, followed by the Operating Procedures. Little did I know that neither of those would occur at those times, but more on that later. I would also get wind later on in the day that there would be a Special Tribal Council Meeting Friday morning to handle the enrollment stuff.
As everybody has heard, the Council meeting that afternoon featured a new election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Cheryle Kennedy replaced me six votes to three. Reyn Leno was awarded the Vice-Chair position over Kathleen Tom by the same margin. Everybody was very gracious and professional about the whole thing, which is how it should be.
In all honesty too, I am not angry or sad about no longer being the Chair. I knew my fate in that regard once the election results were in. Cheryle had to deal with being replaced by me last year, and now the opposite occurred. It would be hypocritical of me to be bitter. These are our Tribal laws.
But I must admit to being bothered by a couple of things. One is that the meeting on Enrollment, to stop the election and re-submit language, was held the following morning while I was speaking at the Tribal meth conference. I walked in at 9:20 or thereabouts and the conversation was being wrapped up. Our Tribal Council Relations Coordinator’s update, which usually occupies that time slot, had been canceled and the agenda amended to incorporate the Enrollment Discussion, and that of the Operating Procedures (although they just added Wednesdays as possible Work Session days, nothing I didn’t expect). A major decision, as we don’t really know how many if any Tribes have ever called off a Constitutional Election, had been discussed and decided in less than 30 minutes, with no Staff Reports and not even a Record of Instruction. And neither Wink, Kathleen, or myself were told it would happen that morning. The following morning, the resolutions to stop the election and re-submit language would pass at a Special Tribal Council Meeting.
Why am I bringing all this up? Why the long, tedious narrative? Well, frankly you almost had to be there to believe how it all went down. It was brazen, efficient, and legal, but also a far cry from how we had been conducting business the last two years. Furthermore, as I have not listened to the recording from that morning, I can’t vouch for how the conversation went, or what led up to it. It was either pre-planned and/or pre-discussed, and I was not a part of those, or the new faction in charge is incredibly efficient. So efficient that what took me, Angie, Buddy, Wink, and Kathleen months to decide was reviewed and re-adjusted in 20 minutes. Clear answers did not come forth during the Special Tribal Council meeting either. It just happened.
So is this just a freak occurrence or a new, in saying new I mean a return to the old, way of doing business? I’d like to give the new-look Council a chance, but stuff like last week makes me apprehensive already.
All I can do really, is just tell people how it appears through my own eyes, and let them draw their own conclusions.


Unknown said...

Were Wink and Kathleen able to attend the meeting on enrollment at 1:30?

You will fill a huge service to the Grand Ronde people is you are the watchdogs of the council is doing.

Another huge service to the Grand Ronde people is to keep your membership informed. This is waht you have been doing. You talking to your membership is a huge reason why you got the big votes.

The majority of Tribal Council wants us to think they only changed the enrollment amendments from 2 to 3, however they changed words in the definition of Grand Ronde blood also.

It looks like 'other Indian blood' will not be recognized and your Grand Ronde blood will be "calculated". How it will be calculated remains to be seen. If it is calculated as it is presently, it will be a whole lot like our present definition of Grand Ronde blood.

Can you comment on the changes to the Grand Ronde blood definition?


Unknown said...

Sorry for the spelling errors above, I hope you can read what I said!

I should have signed my name,
"One of our supporters that was none too popular amongst the locals" as I am that person.

I do not care if I am not too popular among the locals.

I work for justice for all the Grand Ronde blooded people no matter where they live.

I am one of the many watchdogs of our tribe. If I see something that stinks, I try to find out what is going on and I make sure other members know about it too.

I am largely misunderstood, although I do not know why, I write enough!

Have a good day, everyone...


Ken said...

I cannot start to imagine how you are feeling. I can only state that I want to appologize for the treatment that you received. Know this...a true "friend" would never act that way, and for the other incident that happened...let me say that it was inexcuseable. Those are the actions that should be followed up with (at least) criminal consiquences. I am glad to see that you (aparently) are able to overcome by writing about them. As far as the rest, I will trust in the system. Just because that is all I can do. Keep up your positive attitude.

Unknown said...

I am glad you are there, It has worried me for years on all the things that go on over there and yet no one has the gonads to say anything for fear of being ?? I don't really know what the retaliation would be but honor to me and honesty is the most valued things a person has to live with and us members have finally been given a taste of what things could be like if we continue to fight for the rights of all members. I hope you don't stop keeping us informed on the happenings of the council and all others involved with our tribe and that you stand tall and proud of who you are and how proud you should be for taking on a lot and so much more than any other member has to date, that I know of anyway. We may not agree on a lot Chris but we keep it with respect.